Consumul de vin este bun conform dietei Moerman
Dieta Moerman a fost dezvoltata în anii ’30 de medicul olandez Moerman pentru pierderea în greutate. Dieta se bazeaza pe observatia ca oamenii care obisnuiau sa bea vin în mod regulat erau rareori bolnavi de cancer, pentru că vinul – spunea Moerman – conţine acizi şi oligoelementul iod ce sunt dusmani naturali ai cancerului.

De fapt, pe baza teoriei sale se afirma că, cancerul este o boală de metabolism, care apare ca urmare a lipsei de substante responsabile pentru purificarea sangelui, de exemplu, acid tartric şi acid citric. Mai mult decât atât, lipsa de anumite vitamine sau minerale poate predispune organismul la cancer. O alta teorie a lui Moerman este de a elimina tumoarea,prin deshidratarea ei, deoarece are nevoie de apă.

Dieta Moerman prevede, în paralel cu tratamentul medical şi sprijin terapeutic, o dieta bazata in principal de produse lactate şi pe legume. O dieta sanatoasa este primul pas spre recuperare, dar mai întâi trebuie să se bazeze pe un specialist care prescrie tratamente medicale specifice.

Dieta Moerman sfatuieste să se bea puţină apă minerală. Medicul olandez a susţinut că ţesutul canceros este foarte bogat în apă, şi că tumora are nevoie de apa pentru ca sa crească.

Inainte de a incepe orice dieta este întotdeauna cel mai bine să se consulte un medic specialist.

Alimente prevăzute in Dieta Moerman:
Aceasta dieta consta în principal în a se alimenta in mod echilibrat cu lactate, fructe, legume preparate, vitamine şi săruri minerale. În special, se recomandă: orez brun, legume fierte la abur sau fierte, supe, legume, în special legume, paine integrala, băuturi pe bază de iaurt, fructe, în special fructe citrice, sucuri de fructe, vin.

Produse alimentare care nu sunt prevăzute in Dieta Moerman:
apă, inclusiv apa imbuteliata, produse fabricate din făină albă, carne rosie, pui si curcan, peşte, zahăr, cafea şi ceai negru, lapte şi brânză (cas şi iaurt sunt permise doar în cantităţi foarte mici). Iaurt de baut pare a fi o excepţie.

Healthy diet and nutritional supplements can help heal cancer. That is the premise of the Moerman therapy , a method of cancer in a natural way to fight. Goal of therapy is to strengthen the human immune system so that the body fight the cancer can enter. Therapy can help in healing, but it is also important in preventing cancer.

Founder of this natural approach to cancer is the Vlaardingen physician Cornelis Moerman (1893-1988). He discovered in the thirties of last century that there is a clear link between lifestyle, diet and cancer. Understanding that he based his therapy, he in 1939 applied to a seriously ill cancer patient. Successfully. Why did he treat cancer patients until 1985. He was also largely followed: Netherlands now has more than fifty doctors in cancer therapy following this guide.

Diet and Supplements
The Moerman therapy is founded on two pillars: a diet – the Moerman diet – and nutritional supplements. Anyone who follows the Moerman diet, only receives full nutrients. The main diet includes plenty of fresh, preferably organically grown products such as grains, vegetables and fruit are oily fish but no meat and poultry, and no or minimal white flour products, salt or fat. A body with cancer has many nutrients that food alone is not enough. Therefore, the patient also receives food supplements.

To follow the Moerman therapy is accompanied by a Doctor Moerman – also called doctor for non-toxic cancer therapy called – is necessary. The Moerman diet, everyone basically followed without the supervision of a physician, but to determine a patient’s nutritional needs and how much expertise is required. A doctor can Moerman each patient the optimal composition of the diet and the supplements determined.

Therapy gives strength
The preventive value of the Moerman therapy is now widely accepted. The therapeutic significance of this natural healing art that yet. Who has cancer, does not have to choose either a standard treatment or the Moerman therapy. Both therapies can go together perfectly. The Moerman therapy cancer patients who follow feel generally fitter and have less of the side effects of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

The Moerman therapy can help heal cancer. There are many examples of cancer patients in mainstream medicine had hardly any chances of recovery, but thanks to the Moerman therapy were still better. For whom cure is no longer possible, the therapy can contribute to a longer and better quality of life. Especially actively working on healing, gives many strength.

Therapy also plays an important role in preventing cancer. For healthy people, the Moerman diet a great way to stay healthy.

  • Moerman: pioneering phase
  • Houtsmuller: organizational phase
  • NTTT: integration phase

The Moerman therapy represents the opinion of the physician Bertil Klyn the pioneering phase of non-toxic cancer treatment. The Houtsmuller Therapy , an updated version of the Moerman therapy, in his view represents the organization phase of non-toxic cancer treatment. Moerman, where the emphasis strongly placed on restoring the healthy metabolism, Houtsmuller points to the tumor-inhibiting properties of substances.

The Non-Toxic Tumor Therapy (NTTT) represents the integration phase: a collection of all non-toxic cancer treatments. The term NTTT means that it is not necessary to treat cancer with toxic substances that are harmful to healthy cells, but there are treatments that stimulate a person’s immune system so that cancer is cured from within.

The doctors who use non-toxic treatments and examinations are united in the Physicians Association for Non-Toxic tumor therapy (ANTTT). This association is part of the Medical Association for the Advancement of Natural Medicine (ABNG). ANTTT-not all fit the same treatment, but they do work the same schedule. One more to the realizations of Moerman, another more by Houtsmuller, third, etc. according to Gerson.

To represent the interests of patients who Moerman therapy or other non-toxic cancer therapy followed to represent, in 1974 the Moerman Society was founded . This association, which has over nine thousand members, also provides information to promote cancer prevention.

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