Un fotograf american a documentat lupta soției sale cu cancerul, în încercarea de a umaniza cumplita boală, de a arăta provocarea, dificultățile, frica, tristețea și singurătatea.

Angelo Merendino a făcut o selecție de fotografii emoționante care spun povestea lor de dragoste în timpurile grele ale luptei cu cancerul. El a creat un site pentru asta și și-a intitulat povestea “Lupta pe care n-am ales-o”.

Jen blurry
Waiting to speak with a radiologist about treatment of the cancer in her bone and on her liver, Jen is anxious and irritated.
Recently hospitalized because of excruciating pain in her hip, Jen yearns for relief from her pain medication.
While hospitalized, Jen asked me to bring our clippers from home and shave her head, since chemotherapy was causing her hair to fall out.
5-13-2011 Jen waiting to get chemo after 2 weeks in hospital
A passerby stares as Jen hails a cab.
Jen applies her final touches as we prepare to go to my parent's 60th wedding anniversary.
After a summer walk, Jen sits in the window and paints her nails.
10-9-2011 Man looking at Jen
6-19-2011 Jen walking old lady covering her eyes to see
Beth reaching for Jens hand
Jen floating in the ocean
7-26-2011 Jen rinsing off with cane in Topsail
10-19-2011 Jen on the corner
10-26-2011 Jen with radiation mask
Jen in pain Urgent Care
Methadone side effects
Jen sleeps while receiving chemotherapy treatment. On top of the physical toll taken by chemotherapy, the daily emotional struggle is exhausting.
11-22-2011 Jen's eyelashes
Jen's dad, Larry, nervously sits at the end of her bead while Jen sleeps. After 14 days in the hospital, Jen came home today.
Riding home in a cab after chemotherapy treatment, Jen rests her head on her mom's shoulder.
12122011 Suppot group
12-16-2011 Jen receiving communion
12-17-2011 F/Stop guarding Jen
Empty bed
12-29-2011 Following the hearse to Jen's burial
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